Banggood review

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This is a very late review.. I recieved these products in March, but unfortunately I haven’t had the time to sit down and write about them, or even show you what I have recevied.
I was really surprised with some products and very disappointed with others!
photos from Banggood site
This was the best product I got. It really cuts the kiwi or other fruit really well and slices them in four pieces. Quite good actually. It’s not a sharp knife, so even children can use it.
See for more info here.
photos from Banggood site
I was really looking forward of this product, beacuse my tap in the kitchen wastes alot of water. But unfortunately it doesn’t fit!! It doesn’t even stay in the tap! If I turn the water on, it comes out. Failure!! More info here.
This product actually works!! But you have to scrub alot so that all that extra grease comes out. This product comes with two tubs. See more info here.
photos from Banggood site
This was the worst product. It says: pencil Drawing, Pencil Watercolor Water Mark-chalk. Not even close! It’s only a pen with a tinner end. Looks more like a Stabilo 88 pen – Fine tip.
And it didn’t even last long. I didn’t even had the chance to write anything.. There wasn’t any ink left.
See more info here.

I tried to choose practical things for the house. Some came out great, others not so quite.
Anyways, Banggood has other interesting things, check out for yourselves.

Por Anabela Costa

"Start with your heart and only good can follow..."

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