LONDON… a whole new world! Part 1

Após 7 anos.. voltei à cidade que deixou saudades.. Londres!
Fui em trabalho, numa visita de estudo, eramos 23 ao todo. Mas ainda não visitei como queria visitar.
Os miudos, A-D-O-R-A-R-A-M!! Para eles, foi um outro mundo!!
Foram apenas 4 dias.. Mas cheio de aventuras!!! 
After 7 years, I traveled again to London! Went there on my Easter break. For only 4 days. But it was quite an adventure.
I saw London with other eyes, saw different things, but still haven’t seen all that I wanted.
I went their with the kids on a school trip, and they just LOVED IT!

Picture taken from London Eye. What a view!

Primeiro dia:
Visita ao London Eye
Passeio Pedonal por: Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Westminster bridge.
Jantar no Hard Rock Café.  
First day:
London Eye
Walked around Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Westminster bridge.
Dinner at Hard Rock Café.

me and my sister – I was so scared!

The LDE is really nice, the trip is about 30-40 min but you can see almost 40km of the city. I couldn’t enjoy the view as I wanted, because, I’m afraid of heights and it was too much for me.. seriously! But it’s fantastic, and worth riding on! 

Hard Rock Café

Foi um dia em cheio! Cheguei ao hotel de rastos! Mal caí na cama, aterrei.
Wait for the next post on LONDON… a whole new world part 2!

Por Anabela Costa

"Start with your heart and only good can follow..."

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