A Jackie vai puder beber também smoothies, vamos ser companheiras até nos batidos hehe
Ingredientes de base para o batido
Em primeiro lugar, começar com uma opção de base de cão-amigavel, como frango ou caldo de carne, iogurte natural ou água. Esses itens vão ajudar a dar a sua mistura uma textura do smoothie-como quando combinado com frutas e legumes. Para adicionar sabor, jogar em uma colher de sopa de todo-natural mel orgânico ou manteiga de amendoim.
Abóbora: Conhecido pelo esclarecimento de problemas digestivos, abóbora pode melhorar o movimento do trato GI e também fornece uma fonte saudável de fibra.
Espinafre: Dado com moderação, espinafre pode ser um ótimo complemento para a dieta do seu animal de estimação. Ela contém vitamina K, que ajuda a promover o crescimento do osso saudável, e que também contém ferro e antioxidantes para ajudar na saúde sustentável.
EN Me & Jackie are going to become smoothie buddies!!
First, start with a dog-friendly base option like chicken or beef
stock, plain yogurt or water. These items will help give your concoction
a smoothie-like texture when combined with fruits and vegetables. For
added flavor, throw in a tablespoon of all-natural organic honey or
peanut butter.
Choose healthy mix-ins
The best pet-friendly fruits and vegetables and their benefits:
- Apples: These make an excellent snack and a great
addition to any pooch smoothie. Be sure to steer clear of apple seeds,
as they contain cyanide, which can become harmful to your pet if given
in excess. - Bananas: The natural sugars in this sweet
ingredient are rapidly metabolized and provide a quick energy boos,t and
your dog will love the added creamy texture. - Blueberries: This little tasty treats provide an
excellent source of antioxidants and are perfectly safe for your pooch.
Blueberries are known to help prevent heart disease, cancer and other
health conditions in humans, and they can do the same for your pet. Feel
free to venture out and try other berries as well, strawberries,
raspberries and other blackberries are all dog-approved fruits. - Oranges: This juicy fruit is a great non-toxic
option for pets, however, the high sugar content can cause your pet to
quickly put on the pounds if given in excess. Feed your pooch an orange
slice or two in moderation to prevent obesity, and don’t forget to mind
the seeds. - Carrots: Low in calories and high in vitamin A,
carrots make wonderful snacks on their own and they’re a high fiber
add-in for pooch smoothies. - Pumpkin: Known for clearing up digestive issues, pumpkin can improve GI tract movement and also provides a healthy source of fiber.
- Spinach: Given in moderation, spinach can be a
great addition to your pet’s diet. It contains vitamin K, which helps
promote healthy bone growth, and it also contains antioxidants and iron
to aid in sustainable health.
Blend together and serve in a bowl, or freeze portions in an ice cube tray for a cool treat!
r: Ahah, e também já me perguntaram se era irmã da minha mãe!