Lá vem o problema de muitas mulheres! Inclusive o meu! Verão = corpo bonito! / dieta!
O que comer? Qual a melhor dieta?
Dieta = Comer Saudável!
Não é deixar de comer! Mas sim, saber comer 🙂
And here comes women’s biggest problem! It’s also mine too! Summer = a nice body! / Diet!
What to eat? Which is the best diet?
Diet = Healthy eating!
It’s doesn’t mean you have to stop eating! But to start how to eat!
Algumas petitiscos saudáveis que como nos
intervalos das refeições: cenouras cruas, tremoços, um
queijinho da Vaca que Ri, uma gelatina, fatias de fiambre, frutos secos c/ ou s/ iogurte.

Some healthy snacks that I eat between main meals: raw carrots, lupins, light cheese, jell-o, slices of ham, nuts or dry fruit, you can eat these in your yogurt or simply with a fruit (I like to eat apples with nuts).
Have a wonderful sunny weekend!

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