O post vai ser escrito em Inglês This is a very late review.. I recieved these products in March, but unfortunately I haven’t had the time to sit down and write about them, or even show you what I have recevied. Sorry! I was really surprised with some products and very disappointed with others! photos… Continue a ler Banggood review
Etiqueta: Banggood
Wishlist from Banggood!
Hoje vou falar sobre uma loja online, que vende diversos artigos, desde roupa, calçado, artigos para a casa, decoração, pequenos electrodomésticos, etc. Estou a falar da Banggood. Today I’m going to talk about on online shop, which sells alot of things, from clothing, bags, shoes, home decorations, small gagets, you name it. I’m talking about… Continue a ler Wishlist from Banggood!