Hoje vou falar sobre uma loja online, que vende diversos artigos, desde roupa, calçado, artigos para a casa, decoração, pequenos electrodomésticos, etc. Estou a falar da Banggood. Today I’m going to talk about on online shop, which sells alot of things, from clothing, bags, shoes, home decorations, small gagets, you name it. I’m talking about… Continue a ler Wishlist from Banggood!
Etiqueta: online shop.
What to wear.. with SheInside!
You must have already hear about this online shop called SheInside right? They have lots of nice clothing at a nice price, I don’t think that they are expensive.. Do you? I made a random choice of clothing and created some outfits. Hope you like them!! Outfit nº 1 1 VEST | 2 JEANS |… Continue a ler What to wear.. with SheInside!