Este post será em Inglês
What I really like about this site Fashionmia are the handbags!
It was hard just to choose one, so as I am looking for something red wine kinda colour, I saw these 2:
Bag 1 | Bag 2
Both are bit small, but I think everything that is necessary fits! And it’s always more confortable then to have a bigger and heavier bag.
What is also pretty nice on the site, are the dresses: check out bodycon dresses and skater dresses .
I also choose some of my favourites.
Dress 1 | Dress 2

Dress nº 1 reminds me about the 50’s, which is really cute and Rockabilly kinda style.
Dress nº2 for me, it’s more formal.. Sometime I could wear to a staff meeting or even to a formal party.

Dress 3 | Dress 4

Dress nº 3 is really nice to work or even to wear on a daily basis. It’s a formal dress, but you wear trainers with it, it becomes semi formal.
Dress nº 4 is really nice and it looks confortable. I would definitely wear it on a daily basis.

Dress 5 | Dress 6

Dress nº 5 is very beautiful and simple to wear for a wedding or even to a formal cocktail party.
Dress nº 6 is really summer kinda style. It looks fresh and confortable.

Which is your favourite dress?
I choose 6 different types and colours.
If you want to see more, just check out the website
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