Olá Olá!!
Hoje venho falar-vos de uma página no facebook que pinta lenços de namorados de Vila Verde em cerâmica. Tem peças lindas!
Agora lançaram uma linha de calçado: sapatilhas pintadas com os mesmos lenços de namorados.. e posso dizer que estão fantásticos! Já reservei um par para mim! Estou a falar da Lucilia Dantas Artesanato.
Hey guys!
Today’s post is about a traditional Portuguese handwork.
For those who don’t know, I’ll talk about the history and the meaning of these paintings.
Fiancée Handkerchiefs) are handkerchiefs made of linen or cotton and
embroidered with several related love patterns/poems. This piece of handcraft
is part of the typical clothing from Minho province (in Northern
Portugal) and used by women of marrying age.
as a ritual of romantic conquest. The girl’s sweetheart should use the
handkerchief in public so that everyone would know he had started a love
relationship with her. (in the old days – today this doesn’t happen)
Lá no meio do caminho;
Se não achares papel,
Nas asas de um passarinho.”
It the middle of your journey;
If you can´t find paper,
on the wings of a little bird.”
a heart:love;
a lily:virginity;
a red carnation: some provocation;
a dove – symbol of the ‘in-love couples’
And the girl would give it to her sweetheart when he left on a sea journey to the former colonial provinces.
“Lenços dos Namorados” is nowadays a certified regional handwork.
If you come to Portugal (in a nearer future) you can see many beautiful crafts, pottery, bags, wedding dresses, etc..
Is the creater of these beautiful trainers! She has other crafts, such as painted Sweetheart Handkerchiefs on pottery. But I just love the trainers! What about you? I have alreay reserved a par for me!!!
Que lindos.Adoro-os 🙂
Adorei as sapatilhas! Mas que giras nunca tinha visto 🙂
super cute shoes!
Nameless Fashion Blog
moro a 60kms de vila verde e tenho lá amigos. já conhecia as sapatilhas e adoro. um must para o verão
Gostei das sapatilhas. A minha filha está para fazer anos e acho que seria uma bela prenda 🙂
Nome de facebook: Sabino Rodrigues
Muito giras!!!! E o preço também é muito acessível 😉